Settings Dialog .i.Settings;The Settings dialog allows you to configure Eudora. To display the Settings dialog, select Settings... from the Special menu.   The Settings dialog The Settings dialog contains the following groups of settings and options: Getting Started, Personal Information, Hosts, Checking Mail, Sending Mail, Attachments, Fonts & Display, Getting Attention, Replying, and Miscellaneous. Each of these groups is described below. The default settings are listed in brackets after the name of each setting/option. Note: For your convenience, some settings appear in more than one group of settings. For example, your real name appears in both the Getting Started and Personal Information settings. Changing a setting in one group changes the setting in all groups. Getting Started settings The Getting Started settings provide Eudora with the minimum user account information necessary to send and receive mail.   The Getting Started settings POP account: [none].i.POP account setting; To receive mail with Eudora, you must have an account on a computer that runs a Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3 or POP) server. This is the account to which your e-mail messages are delivered before they are transferred to the Eudora program on your Macintosh. Enter your login name for this account, followed by an “@” sign and the (domain) name of the computer. For example, if your login name for your POP account is “carolyn,” and the name of the computer is “,” type in this field. Note: If you use UUCP as your mail transport, see Appendix F. Real Name: [none].i.Real Name setting; Enter your real name here. It is placed in parentheses after your return address in your outgoing mail. It is also displayed in the Sender column of messages you send. Connection Method: [MacTCP].i.Connection Method setting; If you are using Eudora via a network connection, select MacTCP (meaning you are using MacTCP software for communications). If you are using Eudora via a modem, select Communications Toolbox (meaning you are using Communications Toolbox software for communications). If you don’t want Eudora to attempt to make any connections, select Offline. Personal Information settings The Personal Information settings provide Eudora with your personal information.   The Personal Information settings POP account: [none] This is your POP account address. Real Name: [none].i.Real Name setting; This is your real name. It is the same value entered in the Getting Started settings. Return Address: [none].i.Return Address setting; Normally, Eudora uses your .i.POP Account setting;POP account as your return address. If you wish to use a return address other than your POP account, enter it here. Note: If you do enter an address in this field, first test the address to be sure that mail sent to it is indeed delivered to you. If you use an invalid return address, no one can reply to your mail. Dialup Username: [none].i.Dialup Username setting; If you use Eudora with the Communications Toolbox, and you have a secondary user name for use during the dialup process, enter it here (this might be used as your login name to a terminal server, for example). See Appendix D of your user manual for details regarding how this field can be used. Hosts settings The Hosts settings provide Eudora with information about your servers.   The Hosts Settings POP account: [none] This is your POP account address. SMTP: [none].i.SMTP setting; To send mail, a computer with an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server program is necessary. You need not have a login on this computer, but you must have access to it through your network. If the computer on which you have your POP account is also an SMTP server, leave this field blank. Otherwise, specify the name of the computer that you want to use as your SMTP server. Note: If you use UUCP as your mail transport, see Appendix F. Ph: [none].i.Ph setting;.i.Ph:Setting server; Enter the host name of your Ph name server here. Finger: [none].i.Finger setting;.i.Finger:Setting server; Enter the host name of your Finger server here. If you leave this blank, Eudora uses your SMTP server as your Finger server. DNS Load Balancing [off].i.DNS Load Balancing option; The DNS (Domain Name System) i.Domain Name System Load Balancing option;Load Balancing option can be used to spread the workload of a community of Eudora users over several host computers. Check this box if your network administrator tells you to. Network Administrators: “DNS Load Balancing” works by making Eudora choose a random address from the list of addresses returned by the DNS (without DNS load balancing, Eudora will always choose the first address from the list). If you have several machines that can perform the exact same service, list all their IP addresses under one domain name, then instruct your users to use that domain name and to check the DNS Load Balancing checkbox. Now the users are equally likely to use any one of the “balanced” machines for the service. Checking Mail settings The Checking Mail settings determine how Eudora checks for and receives your incoming mail messages.   The Checking Mail settings POP account: [none].i.POP account setting; This is your POP account address. Check For Mail Every ? Minute(s) [none] .i.Check For Mail setting;If you enter a number in this field, Eudora checks your POP server for new mail at regular intervals and transfers any mail addressed to you to your Macintosh. The number you enter specifies the number of minutes between checks of the POP server. It’s a good idea to set this at no less than 15 minutes. Checking mail more frequently puts an unnecessary drain on your POP server. This option only works when Eudora is running. Leaving this field empty disables automatic checking. Skip big messages [off] If Skip Big Messages is on, Eudora does not download the entire texts of very large messages from the POP server, but only downloads the first few lines. This can be useful on slow connections (see the "Skip Big Messages Option" section). Leave mail on server [off] .i.Leave Mail on Server option;Eudora normally transfers your incoming messages from your account on the POP server to your Macintosh, and deletes them from the POP server. If this option is on, Eudora transfers incoming messages to your Macintosh and also keeps copies on the POP server (see the "Leave Mail on Server Option"). Send on Check [on] .i.Send on Check option;.i.Checking mail;.i.Sending mail;If Send on Check is on, Eudora automatically sends any messages that are queued in the Out mailbox whenever it checks the POP Server for new mail. Save Password [off] .i.Save Password option;.i.Password:Saving;If Save Password is on, you never have to enter your password to check your mail (even if you quit Eudora and restart it) because your password is stored on your Macintosh. Only use this option if your Macintosh is in a secure place. Authentication Style [Passwords] .i.Authentication Style option;.i.APOP;Eudora supports the use of two different network authentication technologies: Passwords and APOP. Sending Mail settings The Sending Mail settings determine how Eudora sends your outgoing mail messages.   The Sending Mail settings Return Address: [none].i.Return Address setting; If you wish to use a return address other than your POP account, enter it here (this is the same value that can be entered in your Personal Information settings). Note: If you do enter an address in this field, first test the address to be sure that mail sent to it is indeed delivered to you. If you use an invalid return address, no one can reply to your mail. SMTP Server: [none].i.SMTP Server setting; Specify the name of the computer which you want to use as your SMTP server. If you leave this field blank, Eudora uses your POP server as your SMTP server. Immediate Send [on] .i.Immediate Send option;.i.Message:Outgoing:Sending, one-step;.i.Message:Outgoing:Sending, two-step;If Immediate Send is on, the rightmost button in the icon bar of the message composition window is labeled .i.Send button;Send. Clicking on this button immediately sends the message to the SMTP server. If this option is off, the button is labeled Queue and clicking on it places the message in the Out mailbox marked ready for delivery (Q). Send on Check [on] .i.Send on Check option;.i.Checking mail;.i.Sending mail;If Send on Check is on, Eudora automatically sends any messages that are queued in the Out mailbox whenever it checks the POP server for new mail. Word Wrap [on] .i.Word Wrap option;.i.Word Wrap;If Word Wrap is on, a carriage return is not required at the end of each line of type in an outgoing message. Eudora automatically wraps text to the next line, with line breaks at roughly 76 characters per line. This makes your mail more legible to recipients using line-oriented mail systems. It is strongly recommended that you turn this option on. Fix Curly Quotes [on] .i.Fix Curly Quotes option;If Fix curly quotes is on, Eudora replaces all “smart” quotation marks in message text or attachments with "conventional" quotation marks prior to sending the message/attachment. The “smart” quotation marks are special characters, and this option allows messages to be sent without using quoted-printable encoding. Note: If your recipients have MIME, there’s no reason to use this option. Only turn it on if most of the people you correspond with don’t use MIME. May Use Quoted-Printable [on] .i.Quoted-Printable:Icon in icon bar;.i.Icon bar:Quoted-Printable;If May Use Quoted-Printable is on, Eudora uses quoted-printable encoding when necessary, such as when messages that contain long lines of text or special characters are sent. If this option is off, quoted-printable encoding is never used. Keep Copies of Outgoing Mail [off] .i.Keep Copies of Outgoing Mail option;If Keep Copies of Outgoing Mail is on, a copy of each sent message is kept in the Out mailbox (their summaries are marked with an “S” in the Status column of the Out mailbox window). If this option is off, Eudora moves outgoing messages to the Trash mailbox after they are sent. Use Signature [on] .i.Use Signature option;.i.Signature:Enabling/disabling;If Use Signature is on, Eudora automatically attaches your signature file (if you have one) to the end of outgoing messages. Attachments settings The Attachments settings determine how Eudora sends and receives attachments.   The Attachments settings Encoding Method [BinHex] .i.Encoding Method option;The Encoding Method option allows you to select what format documents attached to outgoing messages are encoded in: AppleDouble, AppleSingle or BinHex. AppleDouble is best for recipients with MIME; AppleSingle is best for recipients with MIME if you are sure the recipient is on a Macintosh; BinHex is most compatible with old Macintosh mailers and previous versions of Eudora. Always include Macintosh information [off] .i.Always include Macintosh information option;The Always include Macintosh information option allows you to include or omit Macintosh resources and types from attachments if they are basic MIME types. It can be used to omit this information from attachments when sending them to non-Macintosh users whose e-mail systems are confused by this information. Attachment Folder: [none] .i.Attachment Folder setting;.i.Attachments:Receiving automatically;Eudora automatically places file attachments that come with messages into the specified Attachment Folder. To change the setting, single-click on the folder name button (the default is blank). A dialog is displayed allowing you to select the attachment destination folder. TEXT files belong to: [TeachText] .i.TEXT Files belong to setting;When you choose .i.Save As... command;Save As... from the File menu, Eudora creates a Macintosh document that is saved for the application named in this field. That is, when you double-click the saved file, this application is used to open it. You may want to set this option to your favorite word processing program. To change the setting, single-click on the application name button (the default is TeachText). A dialog is displayed allowing you to select the application. Fonts & Display settings The Fonts & Display settings determine how Eudora displays messages.   The Fonts & Display settings Screen Font, Size: [Mishawaka, 9] .i.Font settings:For screen;This popup menu allows you to select a screen font to be used for displaying the text of your Eudora messages and mailbox windows. Type the size (in points) of the font you want to use in the Size field. Print Font, Size: [Courier, none] .i.Print... command:Font settings;.i.Font Settings:for printing;This popup menu allows you to select a font to be used when you print messages using the Print... command. Message Window Width: [80].i.Message Window Width setting; This field specifies the width of new and received message windows (in characters). If you leave this field blank, the default value is 80. This setting has no effect on what your mail looks like when it is sent. When mail is sent, Eudora wraps at or before 76 columns. Note: If you use a proportional font, Eudora sets the window width based on the width of the “0” character. Message Window Height: [none] .i.Message Window Height setting;This field specifies the height of new and received message windows (in lines). If you leave this field blank, the default value is 20. Note: If the Zoom windows when opening option is turned on, received messages window heights are automatically adjusted to the length of the message text. Zoom windows when opening [off] .i.Zoom windows when opening option;If this option is on, new mailbox and message windows automatically open to their “zoomed” size. The zoomed size is computed on a window-by-window basis. For .i.Mailbox:Zooming window;mailbox windows, zoomed size is just wide enough to display the widest summary, and just long enough to display all the summaries (but no longer than the Macintosh display screen). .i.Message:Incoming:Zooming windows;For message windows, zoomed size is just long enough to display all of the message (but no longer than the Macintosh display screen), and as wide as the .i.Message Window Width setting;Message Window Width setting. .i.Message:Outgoing:Zooming window;Composition windows zoom to the height specified by the .i.Message Window Height setting;Message Window Height setting. Getting Attention settings The Getting Attention settings determine what Eudora does when it is running in the background and wants your attention, or when new mail arrives.   The Getting Attention settings Use an alert [on] .i.Use an alert option;.i.Alerts:Disabling;If this option is on, Eudora uses an alert dialog to notify you when new mail is received. Flash an icon in the menu bar [on] .i.Flash an icon in the menu bar option;.i.Checking Mail:Flashing icon on new mail;If this option is on, Eudora flashes an icon in the menu bar when it needs you. Eudora uses two different icons – a Mail flag when you have new mail and an envelope with an exclamation point in it for everything else.   The new mail and attention icons Open mailbox (new mail only) [on] .i.Open mailbox option;.i.Checking Mail:Automatically opening a mailbox;.i.Mailbox:Opening on new mail;This option applies only to the arrival of new mail. If it is on, Eudora automatically opens mailboxes when new mail arrives and is placed in them. It also scrolls to the end of the mailboxes and selects the first unread message of the last unread batch of messages. If this option is off, Eudora doesn’t open mailboxes when new messages arrive. Play a sound [on] .i.Play a sound option;.i.Checking mail:Sound on new mail;If Play a sound is on, Eudora makes a noise when it needs you. There are two different sounds, one for the arrival of mail and one for everything else. Replying settings The Replying settings determine what Eudora does when you are generating replies to incoming messages.   The Replying settings Reply to all:.i.Reply to all option; By default (option for sender) [off] .i.Message:Incoming:Replying to all;If Reply to all By default is on, selecting Reply from the Message menu creates a message addressed not only to the sender of the original message, but also to all of its recipients. When option key is down [on] If Reply to all When option key is down is selected, the .i.Reply to All option:Option key and;[option] key must be depressed when creating the reply message if you want to reply to all. Otherwise, the reply message is only addressed to the original sender. When replying to all:.i.When replying to all option; Include yourself [off] .i.Message:Incoming:Replying to all, but not self;If Include yourself is on, when you do a Reply to all (as described above) your address is left in the address list of the new message and you receive a copy of your own reply. If this option is off, your address is removed from the reply message and you do not receive a copy of the reply. Note: To determine who you are, Eudora uses the “me” nickname, if you have one. If not, it uses the contents of the POP Account and Return Address fields from the Settings dialog. Put original To: recipients in Cc: field, not To: field [off] If this option is on, the addresses of the original message recipients are moved from the To: field to the Cc: field of the reply to all message. Only the address of the original sender is placed in the To: field. Copy original’s priority to reply [on] .i.Copy original’s priority to reply option;.If this option is on, a reply message generated by you will have the same priority as the original message. Miscellaneous settings These settings control miscellaneous functions.   The Miscellaneous settings Switch messages with:.i.Switch messages with settings;. Unmodified arrow keys [off] .i.Arrow keys;.i.Unmodified arrow keys option;.i.Next message, going to;If this option is on and there is a message window open on the screen, the Macintosh keyboard arrow keys can be used to close the current message and open the next or previous message in the mailbox. The up or left arrow key opens the previous message; the down or right arrow key opens the next message. If this option is off, the arrow keys can be used to move the insertion point in messages. .i.Arrow keys:Composition windows and;Note: Even if Unmodified arrow keys is on, the arrow keys do not switch messages if there is a message composition window topmost on the screen. Command-Arrows keys [on] .i.Arrow keys;.i.Command-arrow keys option;If this option is on, you can switch messages (as described in the “Unmodified arrow keys” section above) by holding down the [command] key and then pressing the arrow keys. .i.Arrow keys:Composition windows and;Note: The command-arrows keystrokes do work when composition windows are open on the screen. Require confirmation for delete [on] .i.Require confirmation for delete option;.i.Message:Deleting:Unread/Queued;If this option is on, Eudora alerts you when you are deleting messages you haven’t read or transferring queued messages out of the Out mailbox. Close messages with mailbox [off] .i.Close messages with mailbox option;.i.Message:Closing;If this option is on, closing a mailbox window closes all open messages from that mailbox. Empty Trash on Quit [on] .i.Empty Trash on Quit option;If this option is on, Eudora empties the .i.Trash mailbox;Trash mailbox whenever you quit the application. If Empty Trash on Quit is off, Eudora only empties the Trash when you select Empty Trash from the Special menu. Note: If you want to remove some messages from the trash but don’t want it emptied entirely, highlight the summaries you want to delete and select Delete from the Message menu. The selected messages are deleted. Say OK to alerts after 2 minutes [off] .i.Say OK to alerts after 2 minutes option;.i.Alerts:Timing out;Many network problems are temporary. When a problem occurs while Eudora is transferring or checking your mail, you are notified in the same way you would be if you were receiving new mail. If this option is on, these notifications automatically go away after a couple of minutes. This allows Eudora to try the communication again. This setting is most useful if you have automatic mail checking enabled. Note: Turning this option on may cause some Communications Toolbox connection tools to give you less progress information. Automatically open next message [on] .i.Automatically open next message option;If this option is on, deleting or transferring the current message opens the next message in the mailbox, but only if it is unread.   Return to Table of Contents